Check Permit Requirements
Check local regulations for restrictions and permit requirements before beginning electrical work. Per the NEC, the number of conductors allowed in a box are limited depending on box size and wire gauge. Calculate total conductors allowed in a box before adding new wiring, etc. The user of this information is responsible for following all applicable regulations and best practices when performing electrical work. If the user is unable to perform electrical work themselves, a qualified electrician should be consulted.
How to Read Our Wiring Diagrams

Silver Terminals = Neutral Connections
Brass Terminals = Hot Connections
Green Terminals = Ground Connections
Orange Band = Total Cable Wires
(Note: ground not included in cable count)

Grey Lines = Neutral Wires
Black Lines = Hot Wires
Green Lines = Ground Wires
Source = Circuit Hot Source

Black Triangle = Capped Wire Splice
Green Dot = Grounding Terminal
Black Band = Neutral Wire Marked Hot