DIY Trim Molding Guides
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Trim Molding Styles- Examples of molding styles for decorative trim including: Victorian, Neoclassical, Colonial, and Mission or Craftsman styles

Choosing Trim Molding- A guide to trim molding including many pictures of commonly available molding profiles

Building Stacked Crown Molding- Pictures and step-by-step instructions for building a stacked crown molding and cornice profile

Wood Trim Molding Design Ideas- Examples of custom-built trim molding using commonly available profiles from your local home store

Casing Molding Design Ideas- Several ideas for building custom casings for door and window trim

Crown Molding Design Ideas- Several ideas for building custom crown molding, both large and small profiles

Baseboard Molding Design Ideas- Some ideas for building custom baseboard moldings both large and small

Chair Rail Molding Design Ideas- Several ideas for building custom chair rails both wide and narrow

Molding Profiles- Pictures of many molding profiles commonly available for building custom combination trim

Cut and Install Crown Molding- How to use a compound miter saw settings and detailed instructions for installing standard 52° crown molding

Crown Molding Lighting- Pictures and instructions for installing crown molding lighting with string lights to add a bit of warmth to any room

Carpentry Techniques- Descriptions and pictures of techniques used to cut and join boards and trim molding